Please follow the link to view your exam schedule: FAST_24-25 FALL FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE_announcement_0701
Please follow the link to view your exam schedule: FAST_24-25 FALL FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE_announcement_0701
Dear students, the Erasmus Language Exam applications for the upcoming academic year are now open. The application period will run from December 2nd to December 20th. Students should first register on the following website: After completing their registration, the
Dear students,FAST 0150 midterm exam start time has been updated. Updated start time is 14.40. Please see the updated schedule in the following link FAST 24-25 FALL MIDTERM EXAM SCHEDULE_updated 0611
Please follow the link to view your exam schedule: FAST 24-25 FALL MIDTERM EXAM SCHEDULEGood Luck!
Dear Agricultural Economics studentsThe course programs for AGEA 3303 and AGEA 4401 have been updated. As of 30.10.2024, the programs are as follows:Course CodeCourse NameLecturerClassroomDayStart TimeEnd TimeAGEA 3303MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (MIS) FOR AGRIBUSINESSErhan AdaC019Tuesday10:4012:3
Sevgili öğrenciler,Bugünden (4 Ekim) itibaren tüm önemli güncellemeleri ve haberleşmeyi uzantılı email adresleriniz üzerinden VEYA whatsapp kanalı üzerinden yürüteceğiz.Whatapp kanalına katılmak için lütfen tıklayın: iletişim y
BIO 1030 Biyoloji dersinin ders saatleri ve sınıfı güncellenmiştir. Lütfen OBS’den ders programlarınızı kontrol ederek derslere devam edin.There has been an update to the BIO1030 Biology class hours and schedule. Please review your updated schedule on OBS and attend your classes accordingly.
Sevgili öğrenciler,BIO 1030 dersinizin çarşamba günü yapılacak Lab şubeleri yayınlanmıştır. Lütfen şubenizi kontrol edin ve ilgili saatte labaratuvar derslerine katılın.Dear students,Lab sections for your BIO 1030 course on Wednesdays have been posted. Please attend according to your assigned sectio
Sistemsel aksaklıklardan ötürü OBS’de ders programlarını göremeyen öğrencilerimiz aşağıdaki linkten ders programlarını (SON GÜNCELLEME: 01.10.2024) indirip derslerini takip edebilirler.Students who cannot see their course schedules in the OBS due to systemic problems can download their course schedu
Sistemsel aksaklıklardan ötürü OBS’de ders programlarını göremeyen öğrencilerimiz aşağıdkai linkten ders programlarını indirip derslerini takip edebilirler.Students who cannot see their course schedules in the OBS due to systemic problems can download their course schedules from the link below and